SupremePunk #043
High-tech Artwork
This Punk is inspired by CryptoPunk #8010 and artworks of Lisitsky. In this Punk we reflected the earlier works of El Lisitsky. He was one of the first suprematist artists who started working with 3 dimensional objects. That is why all figures are quite simple as well as colours. In this work the main object is color variation. Lissitzky lived his whole life in a kind of distance and loneliness - Jewish by birth he was lonely among Soviet citizens, also among his friends he was always attracted to a completely different style. So after working under the mentorship of Marc Chagall, he left him, moving from Jewish painting and drawing to Suprematism. But even here he was lonely, and so his search continued. Having already finished his search for his place in Suprematism, he moved on to architecture. But he couldn't find peace there either, and soon he switched to typography and started drawing propaganda posters. He also tried his hand at photography. He died of tuberculosis in 1941, never finding his resting place in the world. That's why we tried to emphasize the loneliness of a man against the backdrop of the colourful joys of life.
El Lisitsky — Proun, 1925
One of the sources of inspiration was the Fuji-TV company building in Tokyo. It was built in 1997 on the artificial island of Odaiba, which is surrounded on all sides by the waters of Tokyo Bay. The height of the unusual building is 125 meters, and its author is the famous Japanese architect Kenzo Tange. The most unusual element of the building design, which attracts increased attention, is the observatory that was built as a huge sphere. In addition to office space within the walls of the large-scale building is a museum dedicated to the television company, and the huge sphere was equipped with a first-class viewing platform.
The Fuji-TV company building, Tokyo
The titanium sphere has a diameter of 38 meters, and in addition to the classic observation platform, a first-class observatory has been equipped in it. Outwardly, the futuristic building seems incredibly complex, it is an intricate interweaving of many metal frames, and the huge panoramic windows make the construction of the building lighter. As a background we chose notion paper in order to refer to Lisitsky's love and adoration of classic music.
The Fuji-TV company building, Tokyo


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