SupremePunk #049
This Punk is inspired by CryptoPunk #2325 and artworks of Lisitsky. The objects, aesthetic and color palette are related very closely to Kubrick's movie 2001: A Space Odyssey, 1968. Just like the movie tried to touch something beyond human nature, we wanted to show a lift of the veil of the mysterious, sacred and majestic process of how our feelings and emotions pass into our punks and take on an entirely different form. That is why we placed here a tone poem of Strauss that was used in Kubrick's movie - so that you can easily feel the emotions, we tried to translate them by this Punk. We decided to divide objects of this Punk into three categories: the body of the Punk, the shell and figures that surround the Punk.
One of the most mysterious objects of 2001: Space Odyssey - a black monolith
The body of the Punk - the neck and his head - is made of two objects. The neck is represented by a monolith that was shown in Space Odyssey. This monolith appeared on every significant step in human evolution but the origins of it are unknown. This object is represented as something majestic, incomprehensible and unattainable. That is why SupremePunk 049 is accompanied by music from Odyssey that emphasizes its incomprehensibility and significance. Punk's head is a reference to HAL 9000 - artificial intelligence that had to lead a spaceship at any price - so in order to complete the mission it killed almost the whole crew. The representation of this machine is much darker - despite the fact that it recognizes and simulates human emotions, it remains a cold-blooded machine that has killed innocent people in a second and has no pity.
HAL 9000's camera eye
The idea behind hemispheres is to show a very moment of birth of the Punk. And by opening it you are opening something very sacral and secret. Just like a star child was shown only in his lightened sphere, this Punk used to be on its own for the whole time but now it's time to take its new shape.
Star child - a reborn of a human into a superhuman
In order to pay tribute to works of Kubrick's and his unique style we placed the shell of the Punk in the very center of the work to make it symmetric. Almost in every movie Kubrick tried to maintain symmetry in his scenes. That's why we chose perfectly symmetrical figures as the two most noticeable objects: a sphere and a cube.
Scene from 2001: Space Odyssey. You can see here how symmetric this scene is


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