SupremePunk #142

Whirlwind of Forms
This Punk is inspired by CryptoPunk #2033 and the work of the Vorticists. Vortizism is an avant-garde art movement that emerged in London in the early twentieth century. The name of this direction of art was given by the word vortizto, "whirlwind," mentioned in the manifesto of the Italian avant-garde artist Umberto Boccioni. Vortizism is a whirlwind of feelings and emotions in synthesis with the new reality of industrial progress, in synthesis with the new dynamism of life. Until 2011, Vorticism seemed not to exist in the information field of art theorists, let alone the general public.

Edward Wadsworth — Vorticist Study, 1914
What is it about this Punk that suggests similarities with the Vorticists? First, it is the dynamism and angularity of forms, the derealization of life. The character's face is a set of triangles and rectangles, with clear lines. The Vorticists simplified the silhouettes of people into simple figures. In their works it was difficult to find the remnants of reality, of ordinary perception. They simplified everything to a cluster of geometric shapes with unambiguous colors.

Wyndham Lewis — cover: The Vorticists magazine "Blast", 1915
The main representative of Vorticism was Percy Wyndham Lewis, whose works resemble this SupremePunk in their dynamics. In the works of both artists one can feel the power and unambiguity of the lines and figures depicted, but unlike Percy Wyndham Lewis, this Punk is more structured, it does not create a feeling of being absorbed in a whirlpool of lines.

Wyndham Lewis — Workshop, 1914
Nevertheless, the color choices of both artists create a disturbing mood in their ambiguous, "dirty" hues. This may imply that in more than a century since the birth of Vorticism, technological progress still brings with it cruelty, but this fact has already become commonplace and managed to occupy its niche in people's daily lives, darkening their lives with the constant inhumanity.


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